Friday, June 15, 2007
Another Tag......
"The rules are easy, all you have to do is write 7 random facts or habits about yourself in your blog. Then choose and list 7 people and leave them a "tag" letting them know to come by and read your blog, and see why."

Here are my 7 Random Facts...

1. I secretly want a pet monkey when my kids are all grown!

2. I dont know if I wrote this one in my last meme.... I have an extra rib.. yup.. a spare rib.. Hahahaha.. I crack msyelf up..

3. I had to have braces 2 times. The first time they didnt do it right so I had braces and was pregnant with my first.. People thought I was only 15 and pregnant.

4. I was adopted but me and my adopted mother look similar so you'd never know!

5. My biological father and I made contact when I had my first son and I think it's awesome!!!!

6. I have 4 brother's the 2 oldest are my parents biological children, and the 2 younger brother's are adopted along with me. My brother that is right under me in age is my ACTUAL biological brother.

7. My first son looked exactly like my biological brother from birth until about 1 and it freaked me out when I would nurse him. It was like having my brother hang from my boob!!!!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed these.. !!!!

I tag.....

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  posted at 6/15/2007 01:38:00 PM  

Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Tough Week...

My family fridays this week is just some pictures about my week. Ti-Guy got some gastrointestinal thing on tuesday morning, was throwing up all day. He started to look really grey in the afternoon so the dr had him come in. They sent him straight to the ER for IV fluids. He was admitted for the night and was released Wed evening at 4:00 pm. He is much better now, back to his normal self, but I am not. I am exhausted. Anyway on a better note look how much got done on our deck the past weekend!!!! Hubby and his friend Kenny busted their butt's working on it and got so much done~!!!
Come join me in Family Fridays.. Write about something You and your family have done together over the past week or plan on doing, whether it be watching a family friendly movie, a fabulous family recipe, a fun family recipe your child(ren) helped with, a fantastic family game, products your family thinks are far out, or just simply taking a family trip out and about. Whatever it may be we would love to hear about it!

Just add your name to Mr. Linky


  posted at 6/14/2007 09:48:00 PM  

Playskool & CVS
Have joined up and made some really cool kid products!!!! 5 Minutes for Mom is giving some away!!! Wohooo... Even if I dont win I am going to my local CVS to check all the neat new baby and kids stuff out!!!! To join in the contest or learn more go to 5M4M.


  posted at 6/14/2007 05:06:00 PM  

When the kids don't put up a fight at bed time and they just crash!!!!! Cory is my little baby, but lately he has been crazy.. Fighting with me over everything. He whines when he's on the floor playing, he pushes me away and wont let me hold or cuddle him, he pushes me off when I kiss him, and at bed time he will only go down in his crib, which sometimes takes a few tries. But when this happens, not only is it a Kodak moment, but it is the most cherished of photo's because they aren't fighting or biting or pushing you away!~ They are just OUT LIKE A LIGHT~~

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  posted at 6/14/2007 01:36:00 PM  

Tasty Thursday - Kid Pleasers Addition
For other great tried and true recipes please visit Trista at the above linked up button!!
Well this one is great because it is so much fun for kids, yet still somewhat healthy for them as well!!! This recipe is thanks to Kraft Foods.

Take 4 Jet Puffed Marshmallows and 4 Honey Maid Grahams, broken in half crosswise (to make 2 squares) and mix and match your recipe from these options

Honey Maid Graham options filling choices fruit possibilities

Honey Grahams 2 Tbsp. strawberry jam 8 strawberry slices

Chocolate Grahams 2 Tbsp. peanut butter 8 banana slices

Chocolate Grahams 1 chocolate candy bar (1.55 oz.) 8 raspberries

Cinnamon Grahams 2 Tbsp. Philadelphia Cream Cheese Spread 16 blueberries

Then follow our 3 simple steps:
ROAST marshmallows until lightly browned and melted inside.
SPREAD or top each of the 4 Honey Maid Honey Graham squares with 1/4 of the filling. Top each square with marshmallow.
TOP with fruit and second graham square; press top lightly to secure. Serve warm.


Use Your Microwave
Place 1 graham square on microwaveable plate. Top with filling and 1 marshmallow. Microwave on HIGH 15 to 20 sec. or until marshmallow puffs. Top with fruit and second graham square.

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  posted at 6/14/2007 09:16:00 AM  

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wordless Wednesday - Last Night

I have to make this fast.. Some of you have red my post from yesterday.. Some of you havent,,, but Guy was sent to the ER last night for hydration, and his levels were off and he was still sick so they kept him overnight. He was so very brave and I am so proud of him. I am on my way back there now. Just keep my poor baby in your thoughts!!!!!

For other wordless wednesdays go visit 5 minutes for mom.

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  posted at 6/13/2007 07:03:00 AM  

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I'm going cross eyed!!!!

Why does it seem when one thing falls apart, everything falls apart. My kids have been sick it seems consistently since November. On and off they both take their turns getting one thing or another. I feel like I have had to cancel so many events and appointments that it's not even funny anymore.

Just in the past 2 months, Cory had a cold, ear infection, stomach virus, and just in this past week roseola. Now that he is done this morning Guy wakes up throwing up. Why???? Why??? You would think I go around and have my kids lick shopping carts.. I do not!!!! We wash our hands, we use shopping cart covers... We DO NOT touch the toys in the sick or well room at the Dr's office.

Now on top of that I've been planning something that finally seemed to be falling into place.. and now that may be falling apart. Also me and hubby have been arguing a bit. Nothing serious but its one of those spurts I think every couple goes through where communication hasn't been up to par and frustrations are let out on each other. I am so frustrated beyond belief.

I know that everyone has struggles, and I know in comparison these struggles are minuscule to other people's problems, but I thin I am allowed to be frustrated at this point. It's those times that I just feel like nothing can go right.. Everything has to be an issue or struggle. Please I pray everything falls back into place and I get a break before I have a breakdown!!!!!


  posted at 6/12/2007 11:16:00 AM  

Weight Loss Challenge - Week 5

Alrighty... I need to crack down and start writing down points because I am stuck again. What are ya going to do.. I have no been counting points, I have been eating at my mother's house which is NOT GOOD!!!! I mean it's great food, just not the healthiest. It is because my uncle is in town visiting with his new wife and her son is my son's age so they like to play together. No more excuses...
Last night I felt awful and I promised myself that I am going to start today. This morning I am writing down all my points. I need to for myself. I need to focus on getting back on track. I do have a deadline and it is sneaking up on me. No, I am not beating myself up, or being to hard on myself, but I do very much need to get back on track. So here I am letting you all know that you need to all help hold me accountable this week to stay on track!!!!

I need all the support I can get!!! :-)


  posted at 6/12/2007 07:57:00 AM  

Monday, June 11, 2007
My Blogging Story
I started my blogging Journey on Febuary 8th, 2007. The name Monkey Kisses is because I am a mom to two boys and they are both my little Monkey's. Thanks for letting me share my Blogging Story and this is an awesome Carnival which you can go check out more of and share your own over at Chili's - Don't Try This at Home and Link Up!!!!!!

  posted at 6/11/2007 12:08:00 PM  

My File Cabinet
Do you ever feel like you don't have anyone to talk to???? That's how I have been feeling lately.

Normally everything in my life is decently organized.. Not overly organized, but I am pretty good about it all. My house is pretty organized, my clothes, hubby's clothes, and kids clothes are very organized, my pictures on my computer are organized, so much I organize. One of these areas includes my mind.. If my mind were a piece of furniture it would be file cabinet. If you mention a time period I can go back and pull out, in order memories in which they happened.

The one thing I have a problem with is my thoughts. When I feel as though I can not talk to anyone all of my thoughts ramble together in my mind and I can not make sense of them. Yes!!! I have my husband, but sometimes he gets in funks where he is overwhelmed with everything on his plate and I don't want to burden him with my silly thoughts and ideas. (they aren't really silly but sometimes compared to his they are)

Then Of coarse I have friends,,, or I should say I have a friend who I can talk to, but you don't want to unload on them either. I do talk to her, but sometimes there is too much in this brain of mine to even organize it to talk about it by time we talk. And who wants to only have jumbled crap to talk about instead of something good!

And I hate when these jumbled thoughts keep me awake at night, a woman needs her sleep!!!!!

I just want my thoughts to be filed correctly in my file cabinet!


  posted at 6/11/2007 09:36:00 AM  

So I just got sent this link.. and It may not exactly be fun although as a young child I liked these kinds of things, but it definately is cool!!!!! It is Tracing writing paper for kids and you can make their name in the tracing paper and print it out for them to practice their name. You can get these for free at My Moon Drops

For more great Fun Mondays for Kids go over and visit A Juggling Mom!!!!!


  posted at 6/11/2007 09:06:00 AM  

About Me

Monkey Kisses

Mom to 2 boys who take up my whole day every day with all kinds of excitement! Married to the Love of my life!

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