Sunday, November 18, 2007
It's Beginning to look alot like Christmas

Every Week A Juggling Mum is hosting a Christmas Carnival. They are on Week 3, but I have only found it.

It's great you post anything fun you find on Christmas and link up to A Juggling Mum or you can just go check out what great fun Christmas Links other's have put up!

Here is my start! It is taken directly in it's form from Family Fun - Have a Happy Green Holiday article

What's the perfect way to recycle Yuletide greeting cards and keep your kids busy on a wintry day? Have them cut their favorite images and details from the cards and then turn them into gift tags or tape them to a window for a cheery display.

Brown-Paper Packages Are a Favorite ThingBROWN-PAPER PACKAGES ARE A FAVORITE THING
Inspired by the Erdmann family of Nutley, New Jersey, we decided to show our green spirit by going brown with holiday wrapping paper. Simply stamp the paper with a cookie cutter dipped in paint. When the paint is dry, wrap the present and tie it with ribbon or -- for "Sound of Music" fans -- with string.


  posted at 11/18/2007 12:07:00 PM  

Tis The Season - How Do You Cope With Holiday Shopping?

So when you go shopping for Halloween candy the day before Halloween, and you come to discover that they have gotten rid of all the Halloween candy and started putting out the Christmas Decor you can do one of two things. (Yes this actually happened to me this year).
style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0); font-family: trebuchet ms;">
1. Shake your head at it, say you can not believe that Christmas stuff is out at Halloween time, and wait to do your shopping last minute like half the population.


2. Shake your head at it, say you can not believe that Christmas stuff is out at Halloween time, but get off your butt and start moving on all that shopping you have to do.

The dreaded shopping.
Since I have been with my husband, well we started out being the last minute shoppers. We would turn up out of money and broke every Holiday Season, or charging up credit cards.

When I was pregnant with Monkey and he was due December 6Th, I knew there was absolutely no way that I would be able to do last minute shopping, or close to shopping, so I started in September. Crazy huh??? Well that year it was a mad dash to have it all done by the end of October. I mean it was wrapped, labeled and put aside.

The following year, I decided to start in late September because it was so much less stressful but pace myself. WOW.. It was amazing. I got all my shopping done before black Friday, and somehow managed not to go broke. Since then I have been doing the same.

This year I am officially mostly done with my holiday shopping. I have a few small items to snag up, but that is it. Somehow I have managed to do this without hurting us financially. Of coarse we are not going crazy on people like we did when we were first married, but still we're able to get a small, special something for family.


  posted at 11/18/2007 10:12:00 AM  

I Know I've Been Missing....
Well, I hate that I havent posted in a while, but alot has been going on. To start my monkey's have been sick. They both have colds, and of coarse Cory gets it worse than most. Thank God it is not as bad as it could be with him though.

Then on the other hand, I've been trying to keep up with this house. For some reason it's like a tornado goes through it every couple hours. :-)

There is also something I will be working on the next few weeks that hopefully I can share with you around the start of our new year!!!! I am super excited and can't wait to get it moving. Ssshhh.. for now it's a secret!

So that's the run down.. I hope ya'll didnt miss me too much! I've had my little break but now I am back and running!


  posted at 11/18/2007 10:08:00 AM  

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Monkey Kisses

Mom to 2 boys who take up my whole day every day with all kinds of excitement! Married to the Love of my life!

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