Friday, September 21, 2007
Dyson.. Pretty In Pink
5 Minutes for Mom is giving away a Pink Dyson.. Dyson has offered to donate the full amount to BCRF in their name. So if you want to get in the running go on over and comment & link up your blog! :-)


  posted at 9/21/2007 12:38:00 PM  

Thursday, September 20, 2007
So Far ....
I have started working out again.. I feel really great about it. I have been putting on a movie for monkey, & chunky monkey naps while I work out, then shower. I also have started counting points again and chugging water.. So hopefully I will start seeing the scale start moving again. I know that it may not move for a little while though because of the muscle weighs more than fat stuff.. :-) I am just so excited because I am officially in a smaller size jeans and that makes me incredibly happy. I wouldn't even mind staying in this size jeans if I can just get to my goal weight and most of the weight I have to lose is in my upper body.

I am so excited.. I really hope that I can get these last 25 lbs off.. No I know I will.. I just have to be stern with myself and work at it. I want to be at a healthy weight for myself and my children and that is my motivation!


  posted at 9/20/2007 02:44:00 PM  

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wordless Wedensday - Apparently very Wordy

For More Wordless Wednesdays Please Visit 5 Minutes For Mom!


  posted at 9/19/2007 11:09:00 AM  

Monday, September 17, 2007
Tackle It Tuesday

My entire house is a disaster. With the two, or should I say 3 boys running around and a dog plus myself, it just seems so hard to keep clean. Tomorrow is the day that I need to scrub it down. I may even attempt to steam my carpets again even though they were done 3 weeks ago. I gave my house a huge cleaning before Cory's 1st birthday, but all the people that came trucking through between then and now it deserves to be cleaned thoroughly again.

I can not snap shots of my entire house and post them, it would take too long! But I will return after the work is complete, and post my achievements! :-) Wish me luck!


  posted at 9/17/2007 11:10:00 PM  

Have You Thought About Holiday Shopping Yet??
Around this time of the year, I start thinking about Christmas shopping... YUP Christmas shopping. I learned about 3 years ago, when I had my first son that I needed to start Christmas shopping early because otherwise I don't have enough money or strength to get everything I need. I have already started to get little things here and there, but I also do some shopping around the holiday season.

There are a TON of people who do their shopping on Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving, or that is when they kick off their shopping sprees. That is so hard to do because that day, that one day of the year there are an incredible amount of people hitting the stores for their steals and deals.

I heard about this awesome site, who posts all the steals and deals online to be sold on Black Friday. This amazing site not only offers the ability to see all the steals and deals and make the purchases through direct links on certain items for Black Friday, but they will also email you for updated store Ads and give you Discount Codes.

Just some of the stores that are linked up with are, ToysRUs, BestBuy, Target, Walmart. There are so many more. I have signed up to receive emails and updates from I am not a Black Friday shopper because of the crowds, but now I have the amazing opportunity to know about the deals and shop online for them. I couldn't be more excited. Go check out to find out if the stores you shop at are linked up, and to receive your own email updates!


  posted at 9/17/2007 10:47:00 PM  

Toddlerhood, The Second Time Around.....
Toddler hood: Generally the second year of life (IE, from 12-24 months), or the time period beginning when a child begins walking ("toddling") and becoming a 2-year-old

In Other words: When the child begins cracking their head on tables, pulling chairs down on themselves, falling on their own toys and crying because it hurts, and it doesn't stop until they are into their second year so watch out!!!!

Cory starting walking a week before his 1st birthday. It has been fun. He looks like a teddy bear. He also is developing quite a personality. I think he is definitely going to be into sports. I know that is impossible to tell right now, but he already shows all the signs, and me and my husband are doomed in this area. I grew up with 4 brothers, sports was the only thing on TV. Hubby's father watches sports all the time. Me and him were not really into sports, so it was great, never on our TV. I don't think this will be the case in a few years.

Cory- My Chunky Monkey, instead of doing so big to raise his hands up in the air, would rather do Touch Down. That gets his arms right up there. He's learned to high five me, and play patty cake. His favorite toys are balls, of any shape, material, or size. He is very adorable. It is hard not to kiss him every second of every day.

My Chunky Monkey has been sleeping through the night consistently since he was 4 weeks old. This has been amazing because my first Monkey didn't really sleep so well and that has followed him through today to which he still is a bad sleeper.

Tuesday Chunky Monkey went for shots and he was fine, then all of a sudden he's been desperately cranky and waking at night and screaming. I don't know what to do with myself and him. I don't do well with little sleep, Monkey wont take a nap at all during the day, and Chunky Monkey just doesn't want to sleep at night.

Not only that, he's walking, but when he is tired he falls and falls and falls some more. Did he bang his head a little too hard one day??

As I am writing this he is rolling around on the floor as if he could fall asleep at any moment.

Last night at one of the screaming fits, I went in and did not pick him up, I just rubbed his belly, eventually I guess he realized I was not going to pick him up and he started smacking me.


So I got up and walked out of the room and went to bed, he fussed a few more minutes and fell back asleep. I do not want him thinking that we are going to go in his room and hold him all night.

I love him dearly I do... But I remember times of almost losing my sanity with Monkey. I do not want that to happen with Chunky Monkey. He has been such a good baby up until about a week ago. I could always attribute it to teething, but I had even given him Motrin last night to see if that would help, which it did not. I just hope it is a very short lived stage, or we will be a very unhappy household!


  posted at 9/17/2007 10:49:00 AM  

I am on the front page of and you have to keep me there!! So please if you can spare the couple seconds it takes to go check me out over there I would be so happy! It would be so much fun to see how long I can stay on the front page of Top Momma!

Thank you all my bloggityville friends!


  posted at 9/17/2007 10:28:00 AM  

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Monkey Kisses

Mom to 2 boys who take up my whole day every day with all kinds of excitement! Married to the Love of my life!

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